
I had my son in 2016 he was my dh and I 5th child. So that would make 5 c-sections for me. My dr told me I couldn’t have any more kids or I’d die due to how many surgery I had already had, so at 25 weeks I signed papers to get my tubes tied. Well while in the hospital to deliver my baby I spoke with to other mommy’s who were there having caections that day and one of them had 7 and the other had 9 so when I went in for surgery I told my dr I did NOT want to go ahead with the tubal. She told me I done signed the papers and she could do it if she wanted to and she thought it was best. Now my dh wants another baby.

Would it be best to get <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">ivf</a>, <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">iui</a>, or tunes untied?