Put baby plans on hold for someone else?

We've been TTC for 9 months now and so far have had no luck 😔 we've only told a select few people as we don't feel it's everyone's business and have only really said to close family when they've asked.

But our good friends have just got engaged... I've been asked to be a bridesmaid and my partner best man. The wedding isn't until March 2019 so we'd hope to have a little one by then but as we all know, it's definitely not that simple or guaranteed!

So i feel in a dilemma now, do we tell them we're trying? Do we put our baby plans on hold the 7/8/9/10 months leading up to the wedding incase I get pregnant and it's due around the time of the wedding or I'm heavily pregnant and cant fit in the dress?

We are incredibly happy for them and so honoured to be asked to be a part of their big day, I really can't wait for it to be here, I love weddings 😂

So I would hate for something we do to put added stress or pressure on them when they already have enough to organise. I feel that if we tell them we're trying, it may add some stress to them, especially with my partner being best man. But at the same time, 9 months of trying unsuccessfully has been hard and I'm not sure I could hold off, what if one of those months was our month and we missed it 😕 Has anyone been in a similar situation? Sorry for the long post!