
Just found out recently I’m pregnant around 6 weeks I woke full time with a good wage I drive and have my own car. My boyfriend currently is looking for a job as he has just lost it. I’ve been with my boyfriend 3 years I’m 18 and he’s 19 and when the child is due I will be 19 and he will be 20. My parents would expect me to move out once they find out about the child but I’m not sure if they’ll be supportive. My boyfriend doesn’t have anything to do with his family due to personal reasons but I think they would be supportive of us. I have savings which would go towards a deposit on a flat and other baby items. I would continue to save every penny for the baby before it was born and so will my boyfriend so everything is ready for when it’s born. Would you people think we should have this baby or is it not for the best ?