Am I wrong?? Leaving your 2day old baby

Sparkles • Mom of 1 👦🏽 we make them mixed 🎀 pcos
First a little about us: So my (almost) husband and I have been ttc but difficulty due to PCOS. At 20 We are planning a wedding and building credit to buy our fist home. 
My future brother in law who is 26 and his child's mother who is 23 just brought a baby boy into the world... They planned it with no job, no cars and living with there parents. They are fighting over DNA!  At two days old left the baby with me for 2 hours today! 
I think about all the amazing people and families we have meet ttc and how they would kill for that baby. It kind of got to me today!!! I feel like I am being such a bitch!! 
Am I wrong for feeling this way?