Fertility Blend

I've been taking fertility blend for a month and a half now. I don't really know my fertility issues other than when I went to a fertility specialist 6 years ago my HSG was clear, my husband was above normal on counts, but I wasn't ovulating. I still don't know if I actually ovulate. The test are so expensive. All together we've been trying for 8 years, I'm now 27 and my husband will be 36 next month. Has anyone had any success with fertility blend? The only 'side effect' I've had is a little bit of diarrhea here and there. But my PMS has gotten better, menstrual cramps (horrible pain in my pelvic, back, and legs) are about the same but better this last time. but I did notice just this last cycle I actually just stopped bleeding and minimal 'brown junk' that used to linger for days (only 1 day this cycle compared to 3 before). My menstrual migraines are actually manageable now (makes 2 periods on FB) and my moods are more mellowed. Anyone have anything?