boy trouble! I need help!!

My boyfriend and I have been dating for 3 months on the 31st, but the past week he’s been very distant and he blamed it on the fact we barely see each other because of work, school, and family. But he had a day off and made plans with one of his friends (a girl) without telling me, and i found out and he said they were cancelled anyways. He doesn’t hold my hand, kiss me, cuddle with me, or even hug me anymore. He says he’s going through a rough time right now and doesn’t know where he stands on having a relationship but he loves me and I mean a lot to him. I really don’t want to break up with him, but my friends and sister say I should. I know I deserve better but this might be a phase? I love him with my entire heart and I’ve cried my eyes out for days just thinking about breaking up with him. what should i do?