I lied...karma?

Please don't judge me or say negative, mean or hurtful things. I am fully aware and take responsibility for my stupidity...please, don't be cruel. 
6 years ago, a few months after graduating high school, my boyfriend at the time (whom I had dated for 10 months) and I broke up..I was devastated obviously, thinking he was my first love. Out of desperation I made up a lie that I was pregnant, thinking he would take me back...pathetic, I know. The lie carried on for awhile and spun out of control.  I never pretended I was showing or anything of that sort. Nothing detailed. Just continued to say I was pregnant. Obviously it did not make him stay with me. It lasted like 2 months and I finally confessed. He went as far as to have criminal charges pressed against me. Needless to say, I completely learned my lesson. It was the biggest and dumbest mistake I have ever made and I am so embarrassed it ever happened. 
Now, like I said, 6 years later I am in a 3 year relationship and engaged. My fiancé and I have been trying to conceive and have not had any luck. I'm honestly afraid and starting to believe this is Karma kicking in for the lie I told and that because I lied about being pregnant, I'll never be able to actually get pregnant. Like I jinxed myself. Does anyone else believe in Karma and honestly think that's a possibility? Like I said, PLEASE don't be mean about this....