Question questions

Jaylynn • Happy with my wife and three children, trying for our fourth :)
Okay ladies so here is the deal we did insemination on the 20th, 23rd, 26,27th my <a href="">ovulation calendar</a> said I was ovulating from 23-29th "on glow" 
I know for a fact I am NOT ovulating however I got this response from a test I posted pics last night on here and asked and I have heard u can use them to detect early pregnancy I am an Internet junky on this however I don't know what to think maybe my levels are jus abnormal or maybe 👶🏼👶🏼👶🏼🍼🍼🍼🍼
The wait BLOWS !!!! The stress blows !!! We jus lost a baby so it's jus a mixture of emotions during this waiting period 
Hmmmm .....