My husband and I have had infertility issues for 2 years

My husband and I have had infertility issues for 2 years! It has been a horrible up and down 2 years. However, this is were it gets crazy! I did 2 rounds of fertility drugs this year but they didn't work. My doctor said that we where gonna skip this cycle because my uterus lining was thick and it wasn't good for getting pregnant. She gave me prometrium 200mg for 10 days. When I started bleeding I went in for an ultrasound thinking it was the start of a new cycle. Turned out the meds didn't work and I was mid cycle after blood work confirmed it. She saw a 18mm follicle and I was presenting signs of ovulation coming soon.  She told me that pregnancy was very unlikely this cycle because of my lining but just have some fun and let her know when my period comes. I have been having some very light nausea when I first wake up 
 ut what I noticed the most was headaches and pelvic cramps. I really thought my period was going to start. However something in the back of my mind told me to take a test today. I took the first test and totally expected it to be negative. But when I looked at it I saw a faint line..... So I grabbed a different brand of pregnancy test. Sure enough both are POSITIVE!!! This was the cycle I didn't ever expect to get pregnant and even my doctor said it was not going to happen :) I read a quote on my churches FB page the other day that said "life sends you what you desire most when you least expect it..." Well I would say that was no coincidence that I read that 2 days ago and now this :) prayers that it sticks!!!!