Anyone ever had a baby while having the flu?

Leigh • Due Feb 4, 2o18

I'm scheduled to be induced Wednesday morning due to possible pre-eclampsia, but I'm sick as a dog. My doc doesn't seem to think it's the flu 'cause I don't have a fever, but I'm thinking maybe I would have a fever if I wasn't taking Tylenol. Symptoms hit me hard, and within hours. If I really do have the flu, and I don't get well by Wed morning, will I be unable to hold or breastfeed my baby? And if my husband gets the flu, who will take care of the baby for us? Normally, I'd never go near a hospital if I had the flu 'cause I'd hate to spread it to other people, but here I am scheduled to have a baby! Am I really supposed to go in anyway? I'm sure my doctor will answer these questions for me, but I'm on the edge of my seat because I've never heard of anyone having a baby while having the flu and I have no idea what to expect.