Am I wrong to feel a bit upset?

My hubby always goes against me. Our 9 year old son has been having bad days at school. What I mean by bad days is compare to last year his grades have fallen and his behaviour has been worst. He’s been playing hockey with our community hockey team. But I had cut it off because I felt like it was getting in a way of his school work and so on. His dad kept bugging me about how it’s the only father son time he gets with him... which is false. He can play hockey with him if he wants to. Anyways, so I ended up agreeing to have him back in the team because I couldn’t hear it anymore...

Now, his dad plays hockey himself twice a week with his friends. It just happens tonight I was not feeling well due to being pregnant for his 3rd child. Let me tell you guys. I stayed home all day with our youngest and I have not been feeling well all day. This man has been sleeping all day long. I told him that I did not feel well to take care of both of the kids this evening. Guess what?! Who cares right?! He still left to go play hockey with his friends. I’m so darn fed up with this shit!!!!!! I’m losing it. I feel like nothing I say or do gets through anyone in this darn house!