Does my ex still like me/ have a thing for me?


We dated for almost 2 Years and we are now seniors in high school. We were each others first love and we also took each other’s virginities. We broke up over a year ago and our relationship was really bumpy. I moved on to my current bf like 3 months after we broke up and I had no idea they were friends. Now (well back in October) my ex started dating a close friend of mine which I found shady lol. She asked if it was fine and it was with me but like just the fact that he went for my friends makes me laugh. He took another girl to homecoming and stuff though which was also weird I think he just did t to see if I’d pay him any mind. Anyway, He looks at me in the halls all the time, looks at my Snapchat stories through his friends Snapchat accounts, etc. today he literally walked right next to me to class but didn’t say anything to me which I found so strange but I felt like he wanted me to say something to him or just acknowledge him. He and I were a really tight thing in the past and I feel like he still has a thing for me. Any comments?