Birth story

Brianna • 25, C.R.T👼T.N.T💗B.A.T🤰🏼9/16/21

On the 16th of january i got hospitalized with severe pre eclampsia. i stayed in the hospital for 11 days and my baby girl kept having decells on the heart monitor so i had to have and emergancy c-section at 30 weeks pregnant exactly. Having a c-section was the scariest moment of my life. luckily my husband was right by my side. Our girl was born January 25th 2018 weighing 2lbs 2oz and 14 in long. She is doing amazing. Shes breathing on her own and being fed through a tube. Hopefully she will be able to go home in 6-8 weeks. I love my baby girl Tatum Nicole❤