Is it really happening...? ** Update**


My husband and I have been trying for a baby since January, well we have not been preventing it, but have actually started trying hard for it about 6 months ago.. So I bought a pack of ovulation and pregnancy test. It came in the mail today and after I got home from my mother's I thought "what the heck let's take a test. It will probably be negative anyways"... well this happened! there's 2 lines! I showed my husband and he is in disbelief so I'm gonna go to walmart and get a different test tomorrow to see. but this is it! We may be pregnant with our second baby! What is everyones opinion? Baby dust to all!

***update:: so I went to walmart this morning and bought one of the cheap test (I used it when I figured out I was pregnant with my daughter) and well it looks like my toddler is going to be a big sister!