I’m Immature

I just want to vent really, so my fiancé smokes weed and cigarettes, I used to but I’m 38 weeks pregnant so of course I don’t anymore. Well he leaves around 6, to see his friends. I fall asleep he comes back around 8 gets in bed.. we are supperr corny, one ex we play footsies n entangle our legs but for some reason he didn’t he kept scooting away saying he’s tired bt n

Me knowing him, he WASNT tired. He then tries to leave for his parents house bc they too smoke and he hasn’t smoked all day so basically he was going thru withdrawal ig you could say, he also has an interview tomorrow that they’re going to take him to, idk call it hormones but him leaving to get Pissed me off, I called him an addict ( bc if he doesn’t smoke it’s like he says fuck everything including me n our unborn daughter) he sits outside n says have a nice night I said don’t come back, and was talking to my sister about how I moved to this side of town for him cos he hated the side we were on. And about how if he’s sober for too long I turn into the bad guy and suddenly everything is my fault n he doesn’t want me anymore.. I then get up n go outside to get him bc I love him n know I was just talking out of anger but omg THEN he tells he doesn’t love me and he hopes my and our daughter DIES. And now I just wish I could stop my love for him