Praying it's not a period!


Okay ladies, this is a long one so prepare yourselves!! I had my implant removed 29th December 2017 and have been actively trying since. My last period was 26th December for 2 days. Since then I've had crampy feelings like I'm ovulating but OPKs are coming back negatives and so are pregnancy tests. My doctors tells me that fertility comes back straight away but periods are often delayed. Last night I felt really miserable and teary and today I've wiped and there's been a bit of spotting in

my discharge. I can't track my cycle so I don't know when I should have ovulated but I feel so bloated. Do you think I should test in a few days or that it could be my period coming? Whilst I was on the implant I had a 24 day cycle and had regular periods. Pic of spotting attached. xx