Helping a friend to get over a breakup


My best friend is 17 and was in a relationship with a boy for a bit over a year but he broke up with her a couple of months ago because both of them (!!) weren’t that happy anymore together.

They had some problems in their relationship before they officially broke up and I’ve been trying for moths to help her get over it but I’m terrible with emotional stuff so I’m obviously not that big of help.

Adding to the heartbreak, her parents also don’t love each other anymore and are in the middle of their divorce.🙁 Her parents put a lot of pressure on her and are not acting like parents are supposed to do and she feels unloved and hopeless around her family.

She isn’t coping well AT ALL, and I’m out of ideas to help her. If there is someone who knows how I could help her or experienced something similar, please give me some advice.❤️