HSV and sex

Long story.. sorry. So I'm 29 weeks pregnant and I was diagnosed with HSV at 28 weeks.. Yesterday I was still sore.. which I wasn't this morning, and I also have no sores or anything as they have all healed recently.. and I'm also taking valtrex. My boyfriend hasn't been tested yet. I ask him if he has had any signs or symptoms and he said no. so he isn't sure if he has it or not.. but I recently told him that I tested positive after lots of tears and heartbreak and I honestly expected him to look at me like I was nasty or a walking disease or something but he didn't, as he knows this could be from either of us.. he actually was caring and apologizing that I have to be dealing with this while I'm pregnant. My boyfriend says he doesn't care and that he knows the risk he is taking my having unprotected sex with me and as much as that means to me, I still can't come to terms with If he doesn't have HSV, that I could give it to him.. that's the last thing I want to do.. because it's been so heartbreaking for me and I still haven't fully accepted it. So what are the chances that he caught it by us having unprotected sex this morning, if I have no sores visible sores?