Femara twice in a single cycle

Crystal D’

On Femara 5.0mg and Dexamethasone 0.5mg CD3-7. So I was on CD9 and went in for a ultrasound and bloodwork. Ultrasound showed 20 + on left and right ovaries, biggest was 9mm. So next day got the phone call that my progesterone came back at 0.2 and estradiol was 7.1 so my doctor wanted me to begin Femara at 7.5mg and Dexamethasone 0.5mg again on CD10-14 and start OPK’s on Friday Feb 2nd and to stop Dexamethasone as soon as I get a positive OPK. I will go in for a ultrasound on Feb 6th to see how the growth of my follicle are and if I’m close or going to ovulate. Dang that’s a mouth full lol. Has anyone ever heard of this regiment?