Fertility specialist

I went to my GYN recently for my annual visit. She saw that I was taking prenatals and asked how long I had been “trying”. I told her around six months and she immediately recommended I see an infertility specialist. She gave me the information and everything and I set up an appointment.

I am 29 (going on 30 very soon) and have used OPKs for 5 of the 6 months (I also check my CM and bought the AVA bracelet for temps but this is my first cycle using that). My husband and I make sure we get in around 2-3 “sessions” at the least during my fertile window (usually able to the day before and the day of my peak OPK). I’m definitely disappointed that it hasn’t happened yet but no where in my mind was the thought of needing to see a fertility specialist. I do have celiac and the issues that come along with that but my periods are on the normal side (28-30 day cycle; O day around day 15-17; 12 day luteal phase)

Does anyone have any words of wisdom/ been through this before? I just felt unsure and upset when she brought up the infertility specialist and now it’s making this process scary.