❤️If you’re a Christian, read this.❤️

I just wanted to post this as a reminder to all the godly women out there with the desire to be mothers.

Today I woke up crying and yet another negative pregnancy test. But then I called my best friend who lovingly reminded me to “seek first the Kingdom of God..” which I admit it was not what I wanted to hear at first but it resonated with me later. We can make idols out of everything, including motherhood. I know that God knows my heart , He put that desire there. Instead I want to encourage you (and me) to put Him first in your life. Pray for a desire for His word , ask God to help you put Him first.. as hard as that may sound right now. Pray that in 2018 He may give you a crazy desire for His word and that you will study His word like never before. His word is life!

“You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.”Psalm 16:11

Hold on to Him, hold on to hope and fully trust in the Lord your God. He sees you, YES, YOU! He knows you, He loves you.

In Christ , your sister. ❤️