24 weeks 4 days Twins- Boy & Girl ultrasound today!!

Melinda • I'm a 29 yr old, & engaged, I had B/G twins born 7/30/15 @ 33 wks. I also have a son 8 & daughter 6 yrs old ❤️
Had a ultrasound for my twins today at 24 weeks 4 days, their both doing great!! Think Baby A girl is hogging all the room even though she's a little smaller than Baby B boy. She was very active like usual but didn't want to show her face, at one point she put her hands up to her face & could see her little fingers perfectly, the she put her middle finger up lol.. Think she was trying to tell everyone to leave her alone lol. Baby B boy had his little booty up in the air, & his feet up by his head, for little man was all scrunched up on my right side. Baby A girl weighed 1 1/2 lbs. & baby B Boy weighs just over 1 1/2 lbs. So glad those growing great, can't wait to meet them!! ❤️❤️