Paraguard super hormone overdrive


Thoughts on IUDs. I got Paraguard last month because my body has a really hard time digesting additional hormones (the pill etc). This was supposed to reduce the amount of hormones you’d normally handle with normal birth control. I chose this one specifically because it wasn’t hormonal. I went into it knowing it would increase the side affects of menstrual cycles. I’m never that crazy girl on her period. (Im about to get real graphic so buckle up) im so used to super light 3-5 day periods with little to no side affects. This is my second month with it. I started about 4 days ago and my hormones are making me want everyone who talks to me so judged lol like I’ll wake up and look and my bf and be like ok go to hell don’t look me or else I’ll carve you for dinner 🙈 anyone else relate?