What to do after birth for stretch marks

Katie • Mommy to be to a little boy 💙💙

I will be 30 weeks this week, still going strong at 135 lbs (I have only gained 10 pounds after losing 20 in the first trimester). I noticed today that stretch marks have appeared. I thought I would be much more upset or devastated, but in all honesty it didn't really bother me at all. I was like "Oh, I guess baby Tobias is making his mark" haha. My only question is, I know I will probably get a few more as I am very tiny framed and little man is a chunk and in all honesty my skin has been stretched to the limit. I moisturize multiple times a day but what can I do after birth (if necessary) to help fade their appearance if they grow darker and get more. I understand they happen, that doesn't bother me(: I was just wondering what other moms have done after birth to reduce their appearance!

I'm sorry for being naked in the photos and if it offends anyone!