progress πŸ’ͺπŸ‰


after a break up last summer, i got to my highest weight- somewhere in 170s. i play rugby in college and you don’t need to be tiny to play so my motivation to get in shape was not focused on weight but being able to use my body better. i’ve made it to 138, a decent plateau bc i’m trying to build up muscle but i don’t necessarily want to stop here. yesterday for the first time, after a lot of struggles with asthma and lack of stamina, i was able to jog at an even pace for the full 15 minutes!! i’m now also lifted with ease for line outs!

i feel good, but the compliments like β€œyou look so skinny, thin, or tiny!” make me uncomfortable. does anyone else get that feeling? i think i look the same. i have to live with my body so i don’t feel smaller but i feel more athletic.