***Emotional Support Needed***

Sami • 👧🏼👼🏻👶🏻🐾🐾

Hello ladies, I found out early this month I was pregnant with #2, we were over the moon excited as we have been TTC for almost a year now. Sadly yesterday we found out our sweet baby was just to beautiful for earth. I am in the middle of having my miscarriage now and my heart is breaking 💔!! I feel that there is no light at the end of the tunnel!! With my daughter I had a picture perfect pregnancy so this is a pain like I have never know or imagined. And all anyone can say is I’m sorry for your loss, things will get better, this to will pass, and I am great full for their support but that’s not helping me right now. So I am reaching out to you ladies, I want to hear rainbow baby stores or how any of you helped heal the empty hole that was left and not go crazy with all the what if’s.

Thank you everyone that has posted this is helping to know I’m not alone in this, I am sorry for all your losses!!