Have anyone of you had infertility for 1+ years then found out they had PCOS with periods like this? ...

23-33 days in length (cycle) then when it starts there’s terrible cramps for 1 day - then it “ends” about 2 pm the next day, until about 10/11am the 3rd day where there is a bit of dark red discharge. Then MAYBE spotting on the 4th day....

I also have cramps throughout the month that resemble dull period cramps.

I get my period every month but I just feel like I’m not ovulating every month.

I feel like I could cause weird periods and length in periods; however, my cycles aren’t the normal 40+ of PCOS and I never miss a period either...

We have been TTC for 10 months and my OB didn’t want to run any tests today when I went in because “it hasn’t been a year” and since me & my bf have only been together little less than 2 years & he wasn’t able to come with.

Should I seek another opinion? 🤔

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