Checking blood sugar levels..GD

So im 39+2 basically ready to pop any day now! For the last few days i havent been checking my sugars regularly because im running out of test strips. I check my fasting blood sugars daily because that was te one that was difficult to control due to which i had to take insulin. The rest of the numbers r always in range unleas i overdo it on carbs. Im tryig to watch what i eat bt i do indulge a lot more question it okay to not monitor it so religiously? I dnt have health insurance and getting a new box of test strips is gunna cost me $100!! And i wont even be needing tht many..i hav an induction scheduled for saturday...ive got like 6 strips left. So is it okay if i jst keep checking fasting only? 
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Posted at
Holy wow! That is a lot of money for test strips. I get 100 here for $1.20


Hajra • Jun 2, 2015
To buy like 40..its quite a waste. I wnt b needing them once baby is born n ive got over half a box left!!


Hajra • Jun 2, 2015
I also had to buy needles for my insulin..and again only sold in 100s..wasnt as expensive bt considering i only needed


Hajra • Jun 2, 2015
Exactly! Basically one test strip costs $1..i dnt kno why its so bloody expensive and they dnt even sell in smaller cts!


Posted at
I totally understand. This is my third pregnancy with gd. Luckily my sister is type 1 and gets truck loads of strips and I was able to use hers. I also was able to just use diet for daily maintenance and needed meds just for fasting. So I'm going to give you terrible're taking care of the one that was most problematic and trying to 'be good' about your daily diet. I wouldn't be too worried, especially if you're headed in this weekend. I like to indulge as well but never get to the point of dangerous levels. Be safe and good luck


Amy • Jun 2, 2015
I get it! This time around I'm super lucky because my insurance actually covers it!!!! Was so surprised when I found out.


Hajra • Jun 2, 2015
I jst cannot justify spendig tht mch money on something tht wont even b used!


Hajra • Jun 2, 2015
Thank you! I feel better after reading this :) i havent been eatig too much anyways bc of nausea n wht not


Posted at
Yes! You absolutely need to keep measuring your blood sugars as directed. It's for babies health and for yours! Call you docs office and explain your situation, I'm sure they've come across this before and know how to get cheap test strips. 


Posted at
It is really important to be monitoring it closely even at the end. They're going to monitor it VERY closely while you're in labor too.  You should be monitoring it even more if you're not adhering to your diet and are indulging more lately...


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Go to walmart and get a cheap glucose reader. It comes with test strips. Lol