I’ve experienced headaches, nausea, backaches, fatigue, spitting (Excessive Saliva), weight gain, strong sense of smell, cravings, diarrhea, lightheaded, constant urinating, & even emotional which is so not me cause I’m a tough cookie. I’ve took test but some came out positive with faint lines & the others were negative. I went to the hospital & they took a test & said I wasn’t pregnant. But a women knows her body & when it feels different. Since December I had weird cycles. Usually my cycle is 5 days but it’s been shorter. Thursday (01/25) I had really light blood in my discharge & when I cleaned myself there was a little little bit of blood in me but nothing on my panties. Friday (01/26) my supposedly period came on but I bled normal 2 days, spotted the 3rd day & had brown discharge 2 days straight after. I’m becoming discourage about the thought of being pregnant. But then again I’m like what if I have really low hcg levels which makes it hard for them to detect a pregnancy? Has anyone ever dealt with a situation like this?