My friends and I are dumbasses😂


The funniest thing happened tonight at my work and I really just wanted to share it with y’all.

i work at a baby/kid store! We buy and sell used stuff! Tonight while we were closing and my friend/coworker was finishing up the months end stuff at the cash registers i was putting some clothes on hangers and I care across a pair of little 4t Nike shorts. I noticed that there was a leaf sewn onto the front, like it looked like a patch that you can sew or iron onto clothing. I was looking at it for a good 10 minutes wondering what it was. I walked over to my friend and was like “is this a pot leaf..on a pair of kid’s shorts..?” She looked at it and was like “dude I think that is what the fuck. Why is it on kids clothing!?” We both showed our shift leader who was there and she was like what the heck.

So we had called our manager Leslie (she wasn’t there while closing) because we had some printer issues but we also mentioned the shorts, she was like “haaaa! That’s funny. Just leave them on the counter and ill see them tomorrow” so we leave them for her to deal with and we finish up and leave.

SO I GET HOME LOL, back at work i took a picture of the shorts and put it on my story, I’ll show the picture in a moment. I captioned it “well.” So some kid commented on it and was like “well what.” I was confused af so I texted the picture to my stoner friend and was like “this is a pot leaf right..?” They were like “yeahhhh” So I google it.... and I’ll just let y’all see this...