Beyond worried

It’s been a tough week. I went to get my first ultrasound on Monday, I was suppose to be 7 weeks 4 days but instead was found to be 5 weeks 5 days. They could see the sac & the yolk. I noticed on my ultrasound picture that something looked off, today I received the results online dictated by a radiologist & I was right that thing that looked off is a hemorrhage. I have not had any bleeding up to this point. My Ob called today to discuss the ultrasound and is concerned, she is sending me for blood work to check my HCG levels the next three days. She said if they’re not doubling, it’s not a viable pregnancy.

I feel like shit. I feel so sad, I don’t even know what to do.

On top of that all, my grandma is very sick & I’m so upset about that...

everything just feels like it’s going wrong....

please pray for me or send good vibes, whatever you feel comfortable with, my family needs it.. 😞