this is insane 🙄 TMI

I have irregular periods. One app predicted ovulation as 20th another predicted 23rd. I ran out of OPKS and didn't get a chance to buy more. Hubby and I BD 16th, 20th, 21st, & 22nd before he had to go out of town so i am either 9DPO-11DPO AF either staring February 3rd-6th. •I have been cramping constantly which is not normal for me. it's not painful but uncomfortable. •Recent dizziness

•tender/sensitive nipples

• i noticed some creamy CM kinda looked like snot a few days ago and now it's watery and just thick lotion, increasing tonight their was a lot or lotion CM. (Just got a cramp typing this and noticed a big blood on lotion CM)

•Having strange dreams the past week??

•always thirsty omg i cannot get enough water it feels as if i am always having cotton mouth.

•increasing nausea as the days go by, mainly in the morning but I think it might be because I haven't eaten yet but when i do eat I can't eat as much as I use to. A few bites and I am sick again. :(

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