My hair loss journey - Alopecia


I’m writing this in case anyone else is suffering with extreme hair loss. I hope this helps you.

In 2015 I gave birth to my gorgeous son after almost 2 years of ttc. After giving birth I experienced hair loss which I assumed was normal as it was 3 months after having a baby. However it got worse to the point of me having bald patches on my head. Picture below.

I have tried hair skin and nails vitamins, oils, etc. nothing was helping. The hair loss continued until I lost most of my hair. I went to a dermatologist and endocrinologist. I was diagnosed with alopecia. 2 months ago I started using castor oil. Combined with this I used onion juice 20 min prior to washing my hair. In 2 months my hair has grown so much. My hair is getting thicker and the shedding has reduced to 5 hairs a day and some days nothing. I no longer fear washing my hair, the drains are not clogged and there’s no hair on my bed when I wake up in the morning. I use onion juice 3 times a week and in between I used Castor oil to do oil massages once or twice a week. I’ve posted pictures below.