First breastfeeding goal accomplished 💪


I had twins in November and I would love to breastfeed them for a year or more, but decided to set smaller goals to make them more achievable. My first goal was to breastfeed until I go back to work. Sadly, Monday is the day 😭😭 and we're still going strong! My second goal is 6 months. Not sure if the whole pumping at work thing is going to pan out (I see patients and you can't really just leave for 20 minutes when there are appointments scheduled, but I'm working with them to have breaks built into my schedule, so we'll see. I'm the first woman ever in my department to need to pump at work so this is foreign territory to management. Before I went on maternity leave I didn't even get a lunch break most days so...). Anyway, here's my twins. Started at 5lbs each and now Finn (right) is 12lbs and Remy (left) is 11lbs at 11 weeks old! I don't do the whole pink/blue clothing thing every day, we had a lot of gender neutral that I use often!