Question about hubby’s other kids???🤷🏽‍♀️

Cristal🌹💋🥀Reneé • Wife & Mom to twins Kenzie & Christian. One angel on Earth, the other in Heaven

Sooooo a little quick background.. I met my hubby in 2010.. He found out about 7 months into our dating, that he had a girl he was previously seeing, pregnant. She was far along and decided to keep the baby. I couldn’t fault him for that because it happened before me, so we dealt with it and both really love his son☺️😘

A little over a year later... We broke up for a short period( why I can’t remember) He sleeps with his high school ex.. Who happens to be a childish who only wanted him back because she found out he was happy with someone else.. Had about three abortions when they were together before us.. And most likely slept with him because she thought it would make him forget about me.. But anywhoo😒

We got back together.. I found out about 3 months after the baby was born!!! That he had got her pregnant, and I broke up with him again..

Fast forward to years later.. We got back together and have been together since. We got pregnant with twins in Aug 2016, lost our son around 5 months 😪, but had his healthy sister in April 2017..

Now to my question lol... My hubby has three living children.. Two boys 6 and 7, and our daughter who is 9months..

He had a paternity test done on his oldest because his mom wanted him to get it done so we already know that he is indeed his dad.. I know he’s my daughters father because I haven’t slept with anyone else since God knows when... He never had a paternity test done on his son with his ex. He says he doesn’t want to pay for it(but he pays $440 in CS every month) he doesn’t have a good relationship with his sons mom and doesn’t want the drama, and he thinks he(his son) looks just like him🤔

Nooow🧐 I have brown eyes, Hubby has brown eyes, his oldest son and our daughter have brown eyes, and both his sons moms have brown eyes... His youngest son, whom he opted not to have a paternity test done for has bright Greenish Greyish eyes...🧐🧐🧐🧐

Now I know it’s not impossible for one out of three kids to have green/grey eyes, even though the parents do not... But wouldn’t that be a red flag that just maaaaybe☝🏽 He should have had a test done on him too, just to be sure?? I’ve seen cases where the kid looks just like the supposed father and it turned out not to be his... And he’s been paying CS.. And the two of them were NOT in an relationship when she got pregnant.. So who knows who else she may have been sleeping with, before and after those few days they hooked up during our break..

Now I love and care for her son and have done things for him that some women would never agree to as in our situation.. Out of love for him and his dad..

I want him to be his son because we have loved him since he was born and he is the sweeetest little boy ever. I want him to be in our lives and his little sisters life regardless if he’s his son or not.. but we should know 100% that he is his son, before we continue to pay all that money every month..

Am I wrong??☹️ sorry it’s sooo long

UPDATE- We know she could possibly take him away from us if he’s proven not to be his child... But as a mother who already lied and got money under falls pretense... Why would you also tear the child from his family he’s known from a baby, just because you got caught in a lie, and lost your CS check??? If it’s not JUST about the money?? If she does that, it’s clear to us that she doesn’t care about how that’s going to affect him, she’s just in it for the money..

For the people who keep asking why would we take the risk, why would you pay an additional $440 a month for a child that’s in your care on a regular basis anyway?? If we find out he’s not his son, we will continue what we do for him at home and no love will ever be lost.. if she allows it.. but we will not continue to put money in her pocket to spend on herself if he’s not his son..