
So I've been trying to lose the weight I've gained from my birth control pills. I've gained around 35lbs since starting the pills over the summer. However, it's SO hard to lose the weight! I've been working out 2-3 times a week since the beginning of January and have tried eating less (I have food allergies towards certain healthier foods such as some vegetables, so I've just been trying to cut down on what I normally eat). But it feels so hard to cut down! I feel like I need a snack every hour!! I'm fine doing my workouts (except for when I'm snowed in of course), but the food part is awful! I've been able to cut down on meals, but it's the snacking in between that's getting me. Ugh, it's so frustrating!

I know I could snack on something healthy like an apple, but I crave salt 95% of the time. So when I snack it's usually on chips or a bag of popcorn and after I eat it I feel so guilty with myself. I've managed to lose a few pounds (I've been gaining muscle), but I know I'd lose more if I could just stop snacking.

Does anyone have any suggestions? I'm sick of snacking on unhealthy foods throughout the day, but if I eat an apple or some other piece of fruit, I still crave the salt and give in when I'm not even that hungry anymore! Healthier quick alternatives to eating chips and popcorn all the time? Please I could use some help. Thank you!!