Advice for getting a 4 month old to sleep unswaddled please


Update: after two weeks with one arm out, he rolled over on his belly a few times and now we’re doing both arms out in a sleep sack and after two days he almost sleeps through the night, just a little fussing around 5 am every morning then soothed back to sleep. He’s been in the crib from 7 pm to 7 am every day for two weeks now since I read the Baby Sleep Solution. Still working on stretching those 30 minute naps though haha. I don’t rock him to sleep anymore though, we put him down drowsy and if he fussed more Han a couple minutes I return and shush him and pat his chest. Sometimes it takes a few visits from me but eventually he drifts off. Once he’s in the crib I don’t pick him back up unless I’m desperate and he’s really wailing and has been for awhile. But gosh it’s really nice to have his cute lil arms out and no startle reflexes! Yay!

Original post below:

I was so proud to get our LO out of the rock and play and into the crib and still have him sleep through the night! So then I let him have one arm out of the swaddle and he was doing great just waking once in the middle of the night and going right back down without a feed. Naps have only been 30 minutes for a long time but those were still way too.

Then teething and sleep regression hit and now everything’s really rough. He has to be fully swaddled again but I refuse to go back to the rock and play. Now I have to work for 30-40 minutes to get him to go down when I used to be able to set him down drowsy after a bit of rocking and then come back and pat his chest to soothe him a bit if he didn’t go to sleep on his own.

So my stupid simple question is this, how do I get him to go to sleep without a swaddle??? I can barely get him to sleep with a swaddle! 😭

Here’s my routine: when he gets fussy after playtime I walk around with him and turn off lights, then read a book or two or if he’s super fussy watch 5-10 minutes of nick jr. when he settles down I turn on the sound machine and try to rock him and sing lullabies which he used to love but now he just wails and fights me. So I have to swaddle and usually he needs a pacifier too which he used to hate. I just wanna unswaddle already but I can’t get him to sleep without it!

Please help my little man and me get better rest! I overthink everything and I’m lacking in common sense sometimes, how do I get him to nap? Seriously!!