Got my reading from Eternal Peace **UPDATE BFP*

Caitlyn • Mommy to baby boy Oct 2018 💙

Very pleased with all the detail and how quick she got back to me. Can't wait to see how my prediction turns out:) Caitlyn's Fertility Reading

Your well-being and health:

The Star with tent, flower, Mushroom and Lion

The Star shows you are entering a very hopeful and optimistic time in your life, if you had a difficult recent past this is the light at the end of the tunnel! Tent and flower show a need to take some time alone and pamper yourself, meditate, do what you have to do to feel love for your body and calm your mind. Mushroom asks you to pay attention to anything you are ingesting that doesn't agree with your body, so notice how you feel after you eat and this can clue you into whatever is draining your energy. Lion is a symbol of courage and strength and you have a lot of inner wisdom and strength. You pull through any situation with ease and grace. Wonderful attribute to have! I don't see any issues at all with your fertility. I think this is a very fertile time for you :)

Your partners well-being and health:

Ace of Swords Reversed with Baby carriage, chair, Tower, Turtle

Your partner may not be being honest or straightforward enough with someone at work. If he doesn't feel heard, it's time to speak up! He seems to be very work oriented and likes to climb to the top of whatever he does. He is no nonsense and a very logical person. There could be a new opportunity coming up for him soon, a new beginning! Chair suggests he might be waiting for something to happen and instead of waiting it's time to take action. Turtle can indicate that if you have been trying for a very long time, that he may have slower than average swimmers.

Advice for you based on above:

2 of Swords with Balloon, Dancer, and Spoon

It's time to get off the fence and make a decision you have been putting off. Once you do everything will move forward if it has seemed to be standing still. Perhaps you are trying to remain emotionally detached from the ttc situation, and you aren't allowing yourself to feel anything for fear of getting hurt. On the other hand it could be the other extreme and you aren't being impartial enough and allowing your emotions to control you. Try to find balance in this area whatever the case may be, look at it from a higher perspective (balloon) and know that you will get pregnant in divine perfect timing :) Dancer suggests getting creative by painting, dance, crafting, etc. This will get you out of any rut you feel. And lastly spoon suggests perhaps taking an oral supplement to help you concieve, or that you are needing to pay more attention to what you are eating, try to incorporate more fruits and veggies.

Advice for him based on above:

The Hierophant Reversed with Book, Spider, and Moon

It's time to carve his own path and go against the grain. Hierophant is all about tradition and hierarchy, Reversed it suggests breaking the mold and thinking outside the box. He could be wanting to study something new or change his career path with book here. Spider reminds him that we create our realities, however things are it doesn't have to be that way. We can get creative and visualize what we want, make goals and achieve whatever we set our minds to. It's also time for him to tap into his intuition more and try to listen to gut feelings more instead of thinking purely logically.

When are you most likely to become pregnant:

6 of Wands with Scale and Teapot

This card is all about victory and success, it doesn't seem like it will take you very long to become pregnant. The time frame could be 6 days, 6 weeks, or even June. With scales and Teapot here, it could be sooner rather than later and you might end up with a sociable libra baby.

Symptoms you may experience when you become pregnant:

6 of Cups with Mask, Tunnel, and Snake

*Sentimental and heightened emotions

*Lots of childhood memories coming up

*delayed physical symptoms

*lightheaded or dizziness


Will you have a boy, girl, or twins:

King of Wands


Ultimate thing to consider before becoming pregnant:

4 of Wands with Clock and female symbol

This is a very happy card to get in this position and confirms the rest of the spread, this reading has a lot of positive energy surrounding it. Know that you are going to become pregnant in divine right timing and that will be soon :)