After 16 months.....

Brittany • Wife 💍 and Momma to 1 perfect IVF baby boy, and 3 furry babies 👶🏼 🐱 🐱 🐶

....and 1 chemical pregnancy in September, We finally have our BFP!!!

We were 1 month away from beginning our first <a href="">IVF</a> cycle and this happened 😍. After 6 rounds of clomid, 2 internal and 1 external ultrasound, a hysteroscopy, and HSG, at least 45 vials of bloodwork and more needles than I can count; we actually did it!!

I just want to say to everyone loosing hope to keep the faith. I know it’s impossible to hear, and so hard to listen to when everyone is getting BFPs and you’re not (trust me, we did it) but please keep trying!! This feeling is worth it!

Also, I’ll take all the healthy, sticky baby dust anyone wants to throw my way ✨✨