Worst Pain Ever
My Birth Story
A Bit Long so bare with me :)
2 days PP and I finally have time to write my story. On Tuesday I woke up to light cramping. I didnt think nothing of it since I had been cramping for a couple of days now. Until I went to the bathroom and saw light blood. I didnt freak out, I just thought that maybe it was because my ob had my membranes stripped on Monday.
I got my child ready for school and told my husband to go into work but be on the lookout for his phone because of the bleeding and cramping. 7:05 am hits and I get this contraction and my daughter stares at me and asks if I am ok. I tell her yes and to grab my phone. I call my husband and he says to call him back if it's the real deal. So I drop my daughter off and on the way back home (17 min drive) 2 more hit. I get inside and call him and tell him im going to call my doctor and go by whatever he says. So I do and now the contractions are every 5-10 mins apart. On call doc tells me to go in just in case. So I call my husband and he says hes on his way. He gets here we throw in the bags and start the 45 min drive since it was traffic hour. We arrive around 9:45 and they send me to triage and monitor me for about 30 mins and say im getting admitted since I was 4 cm . So we're in our room and now they are really kicking in. They ask me several times if I wanted the epidural and I would decline. At 1 something my doc says hes going to break my water since im still at a 4. 3:15pm hits and I say I want the drugs. I could not handle it anymore. 3:45 pm I finally received the epidural but only 1 side worked. So 30 mins later they fix it and now its just waiting time. Hours are flying by and now im on the edge of spiking a fever 110 and up heart rate, uncontrollable shaking, and a headache. At around 7pm something doc comes in checkes me and says you are 9 1/2 ill come back in a bit and well start practice pushing. 9:50pm he gets here and he says ok you're at a 10. Lest start practicing. So I give 2 pushes and his head is almost out. And they tell me to stop for they can clean me. A couple of pushes more and at 9:57pm my sweet baby boy was born. 3 days shy of his due date. I tore a lil bit but didnt feel anything at all.
Daddy was by my side with every contraction and was crying every time he saw me in pain. I couldnt have done it without him. After clean up and everything they gave me my boy and left us alone. Then I hear sniffling and daddy was sitting down crying. I asked him to come and he said that he was so gratefull that everything came out perfect.
Deonisio Arturo Contreras
8lbs 11 oz 20 3/4 long
my rainbow baby
The most beautifullest boy i have ever laid my eyes on💙💙💙💙💙

Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.