Birth control- depo shot or mini pill

I'm trying to decide if I want the shot or not. Please answer and comment why you chose that method over another. Thanks!

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I was on depo for 5 years an loved it. Never had all the bad side affects that everyone else complains about. No period was awesome. Never got prego on it. However I got off it March 2012, miscarried April 2013, and finally had a successful pregnancy an just had my son a month an a half ago. This isn't necessarily because of the shot but they do say sometimes it takes awhile to get pregnant after it. A year is normal but 2years was very upsetting 


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What's mini pill?


Sandra • Jun 3, 2015
It's a progesterone only pill.


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If you don't like the idea of a shot or the mini pill, you could always look into IUDs or cervical caps or something like that


Sandra • Jun 2, 2015
I def do not want anything in my uterus but another baby lol but u don't want that for a another 2 or 3 years


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I was in the deposit shot only for a year but I hated it. I gain thirty pounds and took forger for my periods to go back to normal when I got off of it.