I sucked my first dick. 🙊

So this is gonna be anon because ya know

Anyways, so my boyfriend of a few months has had previous girlfriends, he isn’t a virgin and he was my first hj too which took a LOT for me to get to because I was mortified of doing anything wrong, but of course him being the sweet heart he is he was so patient and nice with me.

So now for juicy TMI parts, be warned, it’s kinda tmi. 🙈

We were messing around, and i was laying on his stomach facing the ceiling and my legs towards his head. We were just talking, I know this is a weird position but we kinda just end up laying all over each other wherever.

He kinda ended up moving my underwear over, I flipped over so my stomach was on his and i kinda just enjoyed him playing with my lower parts, and eventually eating me out. 🙊

Me being me I was DEAD and of course those teenage hormones were really flowing, and since my face was already down there so I was just playing with his dick, decided “eh, whatever, I’ve been with him for a few months (4+) and I want my first bj to be with someone I trust and care about” so I went for it. 😂

It really wasn’t half as bad as I thought it was gonna be, I actually kinda liked it. So I’m just going at it, he still is, and he pulled my hair back and literally 15 seconds. 15 SECONDS after I started he said “I’m gonna cum”, and being that I wasn’t ready for this it kinda just went in the other direction.

So I know you guys don’t know my boyfriend, but him and his ex were very sexually active, and I literally made him cum in 15 seconds, and I know some of you guys are gonna look at this and call him weak but I was honestly flattered. 🙈

He told me that even though he had already lost his virginity, and all of that stuff, anything he does with me feels like the first time for him and I don’t know why but I just thought that was so sweet.

I just had to tell someone this, but I figured telling my friends that he came in 15 seconds wouldn’t really be appreciated by him considering he was mortified. 😂 (I found it really sweet though so🤷🏻‍♀️)

Either way, I’m really happy that it wasn’t bad, and that he was so fucking sweet about it. Since then I’ve gone down on him a couple times and I promise he lasted more then 15 seconds. 😂