I'm just done

ladies I want to be sad about the fact that I'm not going to try to have a baby anymore. but I can't....... My fiance and I had two miscarriages two years apart but since last year we've been TTC with no luck which got me so depressed but last night I made my mind......no more TTC..... I've learn from a young age that even though money is not happiness it is important to survive (mostly with a baby) and I love working hard...but my fiance has another idea of life he likes to be "comfortable" we live in a basement that we rent from his mom with no plans of owning a home. We have pre used cars which one is broken and one is so close to be reposess.... but I keep working while my fiance work in his mom's cleaning company making such a small amount of money.....i feel like an asshole talking this bad about him but I need to vent and this app is like a diary for me. But a baby is expensive and I don't want to suffer when my baby needs diapers. milk or food I just don't want to do that when I'm with the father which i didn't do that when I was a single mom I'm just done......

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