

Okay ladies...I’m just over here trying not to symptom spot at 10 DPO and all of a sudden my boobs are ON FIRE. Like I’m pretty sure if I saw a spark fly out of one of my nipples. Not sure it’s safe to pump gas today. 😳 🙌🏼 The last time they felt like this was 1998 and I was starting puberty. Hubby and I have been trying for 6 months but this month was the first time we perfectly timed our baby making sessions. I had pin prick feelings just below my right ovary on 8 and 9 DPO and this morning I’ve been having so much milky CM it has me running to the bathroom. I’m normally kind of “dry”. Sorry but it’s true 😂🙄 So not symptom spotting BUT totally aware of these things that are COMPLETELY abnormal for me. And I just had to tell somebody! 😂💁🏻‍♀️😭