I know others feel the same


Ugh. I know others are in the same boat and/or have been trying WAY longer and harder. But I just can't help but feel so crummy that we've been trying for three months and I'm still not pregnant. We literally have sex almost every day. Something HAS to be wrong:(

My period is due today but it hasn't showed and I already took a test this morning (because I'm a freak) and it was a no go.

I feel like the ONLY thing missing from me is being able to carry my own child and be an actual mom. Yes I have my own daycare and yes I have a step son. But I still feel like I'm incomplete. And the fact that this still hasn't happened yet and people are getting their positives left and right just really hurts.

Ugh, I'm sorry for the rant. I'm sure there are some of you who are feeling this same way.

To my little future baby, I promise I won't give up trying for you. One day you'll be a thing and I'll be able to finally give you all this love I've been yearning to give you.

Sending baby dust to all those who long for their other half. Our day will come.