Not Enough

My boyfriend is so loyal to me. He has never cheated or anything. But I always feel like he’s too good for me. I just feel like I’m not enough, physically for him. We both don’t have the same fashion sense. So I have these insecure thoughts that can’t go away. I keep thinking he’ll leave me for a prettier girl & someone who has his fashion taste. Like I’m not good enough.

He values his family a lot and I feel like every time after I hangout with his family, I feel like it’s kind of uncomfortable. They all speak Spanish, so I can’t communicate well only when they ask me something I do. So I feel like he deserves a girl who is not shy and open with his family.

I want to be with him so bad, but i feel like he deserves someone whose more fit for his personality. I really hate my thoughts, I wish I wasn’t so insecure. Maybe I’m not ready...but it’s been almost 5 months :/.