My husband left me.

Tonight my husband and I got into a huge fight. I'm 15 weeks pregnant and I'll admit I got out of hand. I screamed and tried to slap him. He grabbed me and held me down and told me to leave. 
I started packing stuff for my two kids and I and he told me I couldn't take the kids. I told him yes I was going to take them and he threatened to call the cops. 
I told him to go in the garage and calm down and we'd talk in a bit. I called my mom because I was clearly upset. Got off the phone andwent to talk to him. 
My mom called and said she was on her way and I told her not to come. Got off the phone and he said he wants a divorce. 
He said it's because I called my mom and he doesn't want to be with someone that gets family involved when we fight. 
I KNOW I messed up but when we got married we agreed divorce would never be an option. I can't believe it's over. The pain is literally unbearable.