Going too far..I know

Shena • love this app!
Today a coworker asked me if there was an opportunity to give me a kiss would I kiss back? He is a nice guy and is a lot older than I but is attractive. We are both married. He says things to me like beautiful and I wish I were younger . I don't tell him to stop because honestly it's flattering to hear words like that from someone else. My husband is awesome and can't ask for anyone else but I don't know why I act like a teenager around this guy. I know I am suppose to set up boundaries for the both of us but flirting with him makes me feel pretty. I had low self esteem when I was growing up being dark skinned (not African American) and a big girl I was made fun of by other girls. So I never thought of myself being pretty. I'm not asking for advice I'm just venting and letting it out somewhere. I don't have much friends and I'm actually his boss so I feel GUILTY AF! I just need to step away. Ur judgement is welcomed because I know we are not doing the right thing.