Does anyone else get this?

So today I woke up to a few day early period. As soon as I got out of bed I was instantly hit with cramps, pelvic pain, and anal pain (I get those during my period all the time though). But I also felt incredibly weak and exhausted. It was difficult to make it downstairs and get the dogs out and fed but once they were I went straight to the bathroom ( that’s when I saw aunt flow came). I felt shaky and just shorta not all there. I was getting really warm and tried eating food as when this happened with past periods that helped. It hasn’t yet. I still feel pain and shaky ness, like my hands afe stray hit they aren’t? And I feel nauseas too and eating was hard because I felt like I was gonna throw it back up. It’s been about an hour and I still feel like this. I finally pooped too but painfully.has anyone else ever experienced this? I don’t get it every period but when I do it’s when I get up ok my first day or second. I also got a little chilly at one point then back to warm.

I hope this all makes sense, my brain is mush