got positive, now bleeding and says negative ! Someone please help!


UPDATE: went to the doctor today and got a referral to get an ultrasound and blood test, getting the test tomorrow morning, she personally thinks I’ve lost my baby by the sounds of it all to her, I mostly just hope she’s wrong and the test says positive and there’s something in the way of the at home tests getting it correct, argh so stressed, wish me luck 😓

hey girls! I was supposed to get my period on the 29th-30th, I didn’t get it so I took a test on the 30th-31st, it was positive.

I took another test and another test and another test😂 I went a little crazy with taking test to be certain, took about ten tests, they were all positive.

then I started lightly bleeding pink blood and getting stomach cramps and back aches, the blood started getting heavier (the clots are also really really tiny) so I took a test and the test was negative, I’ve taken three now and they’ve all been negative, the stomach and back pain is much worse than ever my period has been, could the blood be getting in the way of it all and saying negative falsely or am I really not pregnant? why did numerous of tests say I was then, I’m so confused 😓 someone please help!

These are just two of the positive ones I took of many!

Sorry about the dirty pants my partner took the photo😂👎🏼